Library Board

Meeting Schedule
The Library’s Board of Trustees regularly meets from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm on the third Thursday of the Month. The meeting is rotated between the three libraries. The next board meeting is here. Changes to this schedule will be announced on the Library’s website. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Board Members
Board of Trustees members are appointed by the Tazewell County Board of Supervisors for a 4-year term.

  • Regina Roberts, Chairman, Northwestern District, Term Expires: January 31, 2028
  • Karel Ryan, Southern District, Term Expires: January 31, 2026
  • Connie Bailey Kitts, Eastern District, Term Expires: January 31, 2028
  • Courtney Wyatt, Western District
  • Patsy Murphy, Northern District, Term Expires: : January 31, 2028

Board Agendas and Minutes

Guidelines for Public Participation at Board Meetings

The Board of Trustees of Tazewell County Public Library permits citizen participation concerning library service and provides an opportunity for such involvement during regular meetings of the Board under the following procedures:

  1. Citizens may request to address the Board at the appropriate time allowed on the agenda for public comment. Requests must be in writing and must be received by the library director at least three (3) days prior to the meeting date. Speakers will be notified of their time on the agenda.
  2. Following all scheduled speakers, any citizen who is present may request five (5) minutes of speaking time during Public Comment period.
  3. Comment must be on legitimate matters of library business.
  4. Comment is limited to five (5) minutes per citizen.
  5. Board members may ask questions of the speakers.
  6. Citizens offering comment must be residents of Tazewell County or own property located within Tazewell County.
  7. Opportunity for citizen comment should be used to improve delivery of library service in a positive way. No citizen may engage in political statements, personal attacks on members of the Board of Trustees or staff or any other person, nor is any person entitled to use abusive language or discuss matters outside the purview of the authority of the Board of Trustees.
  8. Matters brought before the Board will be taken under advisement to allow time for due deliberation. Action on such matters is not taken at the time of presentation to the Board.
  9. Speakers will be notified of the Board’s decision within seventy-five (75) days. If a matter requires a longer period of time for resolution, the speaker will be notified of the interim status.
  10. Written statements may be submitted for consideration by the Board.