Backyard Explorers Afterschool program


Backyard Explorers Afterschool Program explores different things that you can do in your own backyard including bird watching, watching the weather, soil, bugs, etc. This program will meet once a month on the third Thursday of the month. This is for ages 5 to 13.

Nocturnals Homeschool Program


Decorative image for Nocturnals program

Join Miss Belinda at the Bluefield library every other Wednesday starting January 22nd with your homeschool families and learn about nocturnal animals through the Nocturnal book series and fun activities. This is for ages 5 to 12.

Creek Critter Camp

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Decorate image for Creek Critter Camp

Join the library at Creek Critter Camp at Dunford Park in Tazewell. Experience a morning of activities, crafts, stories and more. In partnership with the Tazewell Soil and Water Conservation District. This is a free event for all ages. There is no sign up.

Wildlife and Wildflower Walk


Decorative image of flower on a tree

Join us for a wildlife and wildflower walk outdoors at the Richlands Critterville Park. All ages. Weather permitting. This is a free event for all ages.