Get a Library Card
Library Cards are free with a photo ID and proof of current of mailing address to anyone, including babies.
Application for Library Card
Applicants will need to provide an official photo identification card with current mailing address. Acceptable ID includes:
- state issued identification card
- passport
- military identification card
- any other town, county, state or federal government agency issued identification card
If the photo identification provided does not show a current mailing address, verification of address must also be provided. Acceptable proof of address is any one of the following:
- utility bill
- property tax statement
- printed checks from a bank
- rent receipt
- typed lease
- canceled mail postmarked within the last two weeks
- payroll stub
By signing the application, an agreement is made with the library to care for materials and to pay whatever fines may be incurred for overdue, damaged or lost library materials.
Youth Card
Applicants under the age of 18 will receive a youth card after receiving signed permission of a parent, guardian, or other responsible adult. “Other responsible adult” is defined as either grandparents (with whom the child does or does not live) or someone with whom the child lives, such as foster parent, step-parent, aunt, uncle, or head-of-household sibling.
The parent, guardian or other responsible adult must supply acceptable identification as outlined above. Although fines do not accrue on youth cards, the signing adult is responsible for paying lost or damaged items.
More Information
Please see our Circulation Policies.